This application is for traditional minded Catholics looking to discover their primary temperament.
It focuses on the four temperaments as received from the ancient Greeks and understood by philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinas, and mystics like St. Teresa of Avila. It is based principally upon the work of Father Conrad Hock.
The "Profiles" page is the main page. From this page:
* Click the + button in the bottom right corner to create a new profile.
* Click the newly create profile to take a temperament test
* When finished the test, click the back button to go to the Profiles page
You can revisit the test anytime by clicking on the relevant profile. You can create as many profiles as you like.
To delete a profile, long-tap the specific profile and you will be prompted to continue.
To read about the temperaments from Fr. Conrad. click the drawer icon in the top left hand corner.
The two icons in the top right hand corner are for further reading, and to listen to an audio talk.